Red Arrow and Speedy Side by Side Blue Beetle Origin Story
- This article is about the Cadmus-created clone. For the original sidekick of Green Arrow, see Arsenal.
Will Harper (formerly Roy Harper) is a former superhero archer from Star City. His alias was Speedy whilst partnered with Green Arrow, but became Red Arrow after his separation from his former mentor.
He is a Cadmus-created clone of the original Roy Harper, and unwittingly served as the Light's sleeper agent to infiltrate the Justice League. He later married Cheshire, and they have a child together, named Lian Nguyen-Harper.
Red Arrow initially took a leave of absence from the Justice League in order to look for the real Roy Harper. Now that he has been found, Red Arrow is continuing his leave to focus on being a dad and runnIng his business, Bowhunter Security.[7]
As part of his programming,[3] Roy's personality is in sharp contrast to that of his former mentor, Green Arrow. Unlike Green Arrow's lax and friendly disposition, Roy was far more serious and is not at all tolerant of juvenile acts.[8] He was fiery and short-tempered. He also detested being called a sidekick and snapped at anyone who calls him one.[9]
Out of the original four teenage pupils, Roy was the brashest and most outspoken.
After he found out he was a clone, Roy's life collapsed. He felt himself an empty carbon copy of the original, not worthy of attention or care. He allowed himself, and his relationship with Cheshire, to deteriorate because of his obsessive search for Speedy.[10] Over time, he became addicted to heroin. [11] Cheshire's revelation that he had a daughter gave his life meaning again, and he regained part of his former character.[12]
By 2018, he has taken up the identity of Will and has fully liberated himself from his past of guilt and obsession. Having left the hero life behind, Will has adjusted to a relatively normal life as a father and owner of the Bowhunter Security company. In fact, he looks back at it in a negative light, likely due to his new responsibilities as a father. Despite that, he is not above jumping back into action when needed. He also has come to accept both the original Roy and Jim as his family, even suggesting they join his business.[7] While he puts on a façade of having made peace with Cheshire not being part of his life, Will still loves her.[13]
Physical appearance

Roy in his first costume.
Will has auburn hair with blue eyes. He is tall in stature, around the same height as Aqualad. Due to his rigorous training with Green Arrow, he has become very muscular, most noticeably on his upper body. Because of his rather serious personality, it is uncommon for him to ever smile, instead a frown or a deadpan look being his standard facial expression.[9]
While under the guise of Speedy, he donned a yellow sixteenth century-style hat complete with feather, yellow gloves, boots, belt, and a red suit.[8] He later abandoned the hat after quitting as Green Arrow's partner.[14]
After re-branding himself as Red Arrow, the suit itself was redesigned. It is predominantly black, with a red chest and collar. His quiver is now attached with two gray shoulder straps connected across the chest, and his black gloves are fingerless.[5]
By 2016, Will's depression had led to a lack of grooming, sleeping, and training, resulting in him losing noticeable muscle, gaining dark circles under his eyes, growing his hair shaggy, and sporting a stubble on his chin.[10] With Cheshire's help, he started working on his body and skills again. He also shaved the stubble off and cut his hair back to his previous style.[12]
By 2018, Will has grown a beard and put on a little bit of weight, although he still is in good enough shape to hold his own in a fight with Brick.[15]
Early life
Soon after Roy Harper became Speedy, he was captured by Luthor's men when investigating his dealings with North Rhelasia, and cloned by Cadmus.[16] The clone was implanted with the memories and abilities of the original Speedy as well as a subconscious mission to join the Justice League.[3] Cadmus then laid breadcrumbs for Green Arrow to find; after three months, he was led to Speedy, but was unaware of the switch.[16]
July 2010
Speedy and Green Arrow responded to Icicle Jr.'s attack on a suspension bridge in Star City. Eventually, Speedy knocked him out with a trick arrow. Green Arrow joked about Icicle's glass jaw, but an unamused Speedy was more focused on heading to the Hall of Justice. He was ready to become a full-fledged member of the League.[8]
Green Arrow took Speedy to the Hall of Justice, where they joined Batman, Robin, Flash, Kid Flash, Aquaman, and Aqualad. Inside, Green Arrow and the other members of the League were called into a meeting. Speedy immediately sensed something amiss, and became infuriated when it turned out to be little more than a "glorified backstage pass". He revealed that Green Arrow had told him all about the League's real base, the Watchtower, and tried to get the others to see his point of view. When this failed, Speedy quit, throwing down his hat and storming out of the Hall of Justice to become his own man.[8]
He subsequently returned to Star City, where he interdicted Brick's shipment of advanced weapons at the docks. News of his new solo act hadn't reached everyone; Brick still believed he worked with Green Arrow. An annoyed Speedy eventually encased him in high-density polyurethane foam. When Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash came to try to convince him to join the Team, he refused. He told them that the Team was a joke and a means by which the Justice League could keep the sidekicks busy and in their place. He wished to have no part in it.[14]
August 2010
After Serling Roquette of Star City's Royal University was kidnapped by the League of Shadows, Red Arrow traveled to Infinity Island to rescue her. He infiltrated the base and successfully rescued her, but not in time to prevent her from completing the Fog for the Shadows.[5]
Hoping to receive help in protecting Roquette, Red Arrow traveled to Mount Justice. He was not pleased to see Green Arrow and his new protégé, Artemis. Roy was distrustful of her, knowing full well that she was not Green Arrow's "niece" as was claimed by both Green Arrow and Artemis. He did not pursue the matter, and eventually gave the assignment to the Team: protecting Roquette in the local High School.[5]
Red Arrow intercepted Artemis when she returned to Gotham City. He confronted her about her "niece" lie, but would keep it a secret as both Batman and Green Arrow would only lie for a very good reason. That would change, however, if she hurt the Team.[5]
September 2010
Roy followed up on a lead that Cheshire was out to disrupt the peace summit between North and South Rhelasia. She was indeed nearby, ready to shoot the independent arbitrator in the gridlocked negotiations as he arrived by car. A well-placed arrow sent the rocket propelled grenade flying up instead. The police arrested both him and Cheshire, but at the behest of the arbitrator, Lex Luthor, Red Arrow was released. Luthor offered to hire him as a bodyguard, but Roy declined any money from him. The bemused Luthor accepted the free offer.
Red Arrow visited Cheshire in jail to interrogate her. He was unsuccessful in getting information, as she only fed him vague answers and teases. When Sportsmaster broke Cheshire out of prison, Red Arrow pursued them across the rooftops. They eventually made it to the escape helicopter. Red Arrow shot an arrow with a line at the departing chopper, but Cheshire cut it off. Red Arrow managed to fire an arrow with a high-density foam tip, to make himself a safe landing site on a rooftop.
He was down, but not out; the arrow he shot at the helicopter had a tracer. He tracked Cheshire and Sportsmaster to the base of the League of Shadows, where he discovered the man behind Luthor's assassination attempt: Ra's al Ghul. However, Ra's was aware that Red Arrow was eavesdropping, and gave instructions to kill him. Cheshire and Sportsmaster engaged Roy, forcing him to flee.[9] Sportsmaster mocked him and called him "Broken arrow", which was one of the code phrases implanted in him by Cadmus. Sportsmaster then programmed additional instructions and removed information from the archer. When it was finished, the fight continued as if nothing happened.[3] Red Arrow was thrown into the moat surrounding the base, and managed to survive an explosive javelin Sportsmaster threw into the water. Safely reaching the other side, the exhausted Red Arrow finally admitted he was out of his league, and contacted Aqualad for help.
Aqualad and Red Arrow joined the peace summit, hoping to foil Cheshire there. She was disguised as a waitress, but was spotted by Aqualad. Together, the two heroes stopped her bomb, but the explosion created a hole in the building allowing Sportsmaster and League of Shadows assassins to join the fray. Leaving Taipei police to deal with the mooks, Red Arrow engaged Cheshire and left Sportsmaster to Aqualad. He activated the sprinkler system by shooting an explosive arrow at the ceiling, allowing Aqualad to clear the room with his Atlantean magic. Although his water dragon took out numerous assassins, Cheshire obscured her and Sportsmaster's escape with a smoke bomb.
When the smoke cleared, a sole assassin leapt over the two heroes, straight for the Rhelasian leaders. They were saved when Mercy shot at the killer with her cybernetic arm. Awed at the technology involved, both Rhelasian leaders signed the peace treaty. Upon reflecting on their successful mission, Red Arrow and Aqualad discussed what had transpired. During his battle against Aqualad, Sportsmaster had revealed that he had a "very inside" source that told him the Team was in Bialya. Aqualad wanted to investigate the matter quietly, over Red Arrow's objections. However, Red Arrow left it at that, and admitted to his friend that the Team now deserves his respect—that was why he called the Cave instead of Green Arrow or the Justice League.[9]
On September 28,[17] Red Arrow went to Vlatavastok after getting intelligence that the League of Shadows had a contract to kill King Josef Vladek. Red Arrow found Sportsmaster and attempted to stop him, but Sportsmaster once again used the "broken arrow" trigger phrase to freeze him, allowing him to easily knock Arrow out and kill Vladek. At the time, Arrow had no idea how Sportsmaster got so close to him.[18]
October 2010
Red Arrow helped to ward off a giant plant creature in Star City, alongside Green Arrow and Black Canary. The three heroes were unable to save a bus full of children, but luckily, Guy Gardner caught it in time.[19]
Red Arrow participated in a meeting with Batman, Red Tornado, Robin and Aqualad to determine the identity of the mole within the Team. He trusted Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash, but suspected Artemis, because he knew she was not related to Green Arrow. He also did not trust Miss Martian. The meeting proved inconclusive, however.[20]
December 2010
After secretly observing Green Arrow and Artemis take down Black Spider, Red Arrow grudgingly admitted to his former mentor that she was improving. Their conversation was cut short by the police band, who alerted them to a robbery of a local supermarket. They stopped the robbers together, "for old time's sake". After the criminals were apprehended, Green Arrow explained to Roy that he had been accepted into the Justice League, and would be inducted by the end of the year. But to set a good example, he was urged to join the Team first.[21]
Red Arrow's arrival at the Cave was met with enthusiasm from Kid Flash, but not so much from Artemis. At a time where she already felt insecure about her position in the Team, she felt another archer would make her unneeded.
Green Arrow provided the Team with a mission, and assigned Red Arrow, Kid Flash, and Aqualad to track Sportsmaster. Artemis volunteered to go too, despite Green Arrow's concern.[21]
On their way to New Orleans, Red Arrow made it clear to Aqualad that Artemis was still his top suspect as the mole, as she continued to lie about her past.[21]
Red Arrow took the lead in the mission, scouting ahead and following Sportsmaster as he rented a boat and made it to a railroad. He ordered the others to stay at a discreet distance, but Artemis got in close and encountered Cheshire. Red Arrow helped her with the fight, and seeing them together made Cheshire decide to play them against each other. She flirted with Red Arrow as she had before, referring to their encounters as "dates" again. Red Arrow denied that he and Cheshire were dating to Artemis. When she knocked him to the ground, she even kissed him passionately to further upset her sister.
Sportsmaster had been listening in on Cheshire's comm link, and made his getaway with a suitcase he was after. Red Arrow planted a tracer on the boat and pursued on his jet ski, but Sportsmaster took him down with explosives and removed the tracker.
Artemis claimed to have put a tracer on Cheshire, and Aqualad and Kid Flash followed that trail. Red Arrow did not trust her, and secretly planted a tracer on Artemis's quiver.[21]
Red Arrow traced the signal on Artemis to a warehouse in the docks of New Orleans. While he investigated the premises, Sportsmaster got ready to ambush him. Luckily for him, Artemis shot an explosive arrow at the door, giving away Sportsmaster's presence. He berated her for not alerting the rest of the Team, and took on Sportsmaster. After Kid Flash joined the fight, Sportsmaster, Cheshire and other villains at the scene turned to ice, allowing their escape.[21]
Red Arrow was not happy the mission was a failure, and knew who to blame: Artemis. He confronted her about the tracer she claimed to have put on Cheshire; it was found on a train wagon. Kid Flash did not take it well, and accused her of envying Red Arrow. As the others left, Red Arrow reminded Artemis he suspected her of being the mole, and this was not over.[21]
Still intent on exposing the mole, Red Arrow joined Robin and his three main suspects—Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian—investigating a string of robberies in Europe. They went undercover as "The Daring Dangers" in the Haly International Traveling Circus, as robberies coincided with their tour dates.
Robin was right; there was a thief in the circus. He used athletic skills to break in a warehouse, and fire-breathing skills to ward off the Team. Red Arrow noted the warehouse was full of ammunition, and made sure everyone evacuated before it collapsed.
As the circus left Bruges, Red Arrow's bossy and accusatory behavior made him clash with the others. Superboy made it clear he did not like Red Arrow's attitude, Miss Martian tried to mend the fences and Artemis urged her fellow archer to keep an open mind.
In a showdown on top of the train, they discovered the thief was Parasite. He took off with his stolen equipment, and now that he had Kryptonian and Martian powers, made off for Geneva's Large Boson Collider ahead of the train.[2]
At the particle accelerator, Superboy charged into Parasite ahead of plans. After Miss Martian went in too, Red Arrow chose a high position to shoot a foam arrow at their opponent. It didn't work as planned; Parasite used his stolen telekinesis to take away Red Arrow's bow, lift him in the air, and slowly crush him.
Parasite lost his grip on Red Arrow when Artemis shot a gas arrow at him. After it exploded, Roy was free, but since he was in the air, he fell. Though he was out of danger, the fall also took him out of the fight.
When all was over and Parasite arrested, Red Arrow thanked Artemis for saving his life. Working with the Team, he realized Sportsmaster had sent him on a wild goose chase all those months ago: there was no mole in the Team.[2]
Shortly before he was to be officially inducted into the Justice League, the Team took a group photo in the Hall of Justice's library.[22]
Washington, D.C.
December 30, 09:16 EST
On the stairs of the Hall of Justice, Red Arrow, along with fellow heroes Doctor Fate, Plastic Man, Atom, and Icon, was inducted into the Justice League after months of solo work, he was handed his membership card by Green Arrow. Even though he had previously defected from the League on Independence Day, he was just as excited to be a member of the League as he was six months ago. He was led into the Hall of Justice to meet the rest of the Team, only to find the room empty.[23]
During the League's induction party, Red Arrow placed pieces of biologically engineered Starro fragments on each member of the Justice League, making them all slaves of the Light's mind control. As he forced Batman to grant security clearance to Vandal Savage, he was released from the Light's control, and realized that all along, he was the mole and Vandal confirmed it to him.[23] While Vandal was basking in his victory, Red Arrow slipped away and used the Zeta-Tube to travel to the Hall of Justice.[3]
From the Hall, he headed to the subway under the National Mall. Aquaman, Flash and Green Arrow pursued him, and were his better. His former mentor knocked him off his feet with an explosive arrow and Flash punched him in the face. In an attempt to hit Aquaman, Red Arrow only broke his bow. He used the diversion of a passing train to slip away in a drainage pipe.
From there, he headed to one of his equipment caches, where he laid low. Over seven hours later, Aqualad found him there. Red Arrow did not trust anyone, and wanted to make sure his old friend was not working for the Light. Aqualad put him at ease by telling him something he had told Red Arrow, his love for Tula.
With Red Arrow, the Team began to reconvene. Red Arrow learned he was a clone like Superboy, he realized from this information of why he didn't know he was the mole and revealed the truth of his mission. Red Arrow realized he accused Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian was because of his programming and apologizes for his behavior. Soon the Team used their contacts with Atlantis, Cadmus, and Serling Roquette to come up with a cure for the Starro-tech. Red Arrow was vaccinated so further exposure would not affect him.[3]
The Watchtower
December 31, 23:16 EST
With the similarly immunized Black Canary and Red Tornado, Red Arrow headed to the Watchtower and pretended to be mind controlled. Klarion saw through it straight away, and ordered Hal Jordan to constrain them. They were given a new chip, but played possum again. When Klarion discovered they had been played again, he summoned Batman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, Hawkwoman and Wonder Woman to fight the three. Red Arrow managed to take down Martian Manhunter with an incendiary arrow, but was beaten by Batman and knocked unconscious.[3]
With the Light defeated, Red Arrow had to come to grips with the fact that his entire life was a lie. Black Canary and Green Arrow tried to console him, but he wouldn't have it. He felt the only thing he could do now was find the real Roy Harper.[3]
At Ollie's advice, Roy stayed with his former mentor in Star City to collect his thoughts.[24]
Roy's feelings and thoughts continued to haunt him. He felt he had to do something for Speedy, and did not believe he was dead.[25]
Roy and Jim Harper swept Cadmus, all 52 levels and the remains of Genomorph City, which they had done before several times. But even with the newest Wayne Tech ecogram unit, they could find no trace of Speedy.[26]
Roy commented on the previous day's search in his journal. He was not surprised when the test results came back and Jim was revealed to be a clone as well.[26]
Unhappy with the progress in the research, Roy contemplates more extreme measures to look for Speedy. In ten months, even Batman couldn't uncover anything and shadowing Lex Luthor was unfruitful. Red Arrow became more and more adamant to continue the search.[26]
Now continuing the search for Speedy solo, Red Arrow infiltrated a LexCorp robotics plant in Korea. He almost got caught.[27]
Tracking Luthor's operations led him to Greece, and on the way, he repeatedly encountered Cheshire. Noting the pleasure she took in their meetings, he felt she could be his best shot at infiltrating the Light.[27] He succeeded in his ploy, and eventually Jade got him into the League of Shadows.[28]
Cheshire and Roy stayed in Qurac's capital briefly after chaperoning a shipment of LexCorp drilling equipment to Bialya.[28]
At the Shadows' headquarters, Roy reflects on his recent experience with Cheshire in his journal. He's starting to see through the facade she put up, and sees her potential for good, though he was not sure he could trust her.[29]
His cover blown, Red Arrow had to flee the island and retreat to Martinique. Cheshire helped him, though he was still not sure if she actually betrayed the Shadows or if she was playing him again.[29]
Still on the trail of Luthor, Roy shadowed him to a meeting with Riddler at the Museum of Antiquities. He was unable to learn what they were after, or how it was connected to Speedy.[30]
After raiding LexCorp factories in Singapore, Santa Prisca, Germany, and Switzerland with Jade, Roy lamented the lack of clear leads in his journal.[31]
Roy learned of an alien attack on Metropolis, and Superboy's role in the battle. The contradictions between himself and the other clone didn't help Roy with his self-esteem.[31]
Roy and Jade eventually married, though it was not without fights. Jade accused him of obsessing over Speedy.[32] Around January, Jade became pregnant, [33] though she did not tell Roy.[10] She eventually left him.[34]
After learning the plans Luthor and Riddler were working on had nothing to do with Speedy, Roy felt all hope leaving him. He was all alone, and though he was out of leads and money, he still wanted to continue. Somehow.[34]
February 2016

Red Arrow's appearance after years of neglect.
Red Arrow foiled a robbery in progress. The grateful shopkeeper offered him a reward, but Red Arrow declined, claiming that his gratitude was reward enough. Unbeknownst to him, Red Arrow had surreptitiously kept a stack of money. This act was witnessed by Green Arrow, who had been looking for his former sidekick.
While returning to his hideout, Red Arrow was confronted by Green Arrow, Black Canary, Nightwing, Wally West and Jim Harper, the former Guardian. Green Arrow accused him of stealing money from the people he saved, but he countered that searching for Speedy was expensive. Black Canary was aghast at how Red Arrow allowed his previously muscular body and well-honed skills to atrophy, but he brushed off her concerns as well.
The assembled group then attempted to convince Red Arrow to abandon his fruitless search for Speedy. They had searched for years, but finally concluded that the Light didn't keep him alive. Red Arrow would have none of that—he was intent on continuing his search, and suggested that they try to rehabilitate Aqualad instead. He then left for home.[10]
Red Arrow arrived at his derelict hideout, and was accosted by his estranged wife, Cheshire. She wanted him to stop his all-consuming search for Speedy as well. He refused, saying that she lost her right to backseat drive his life when she left him to return to criminal activities.
Cheshire then laid down all her cards. She had given birth to a daughter, Lian, and Roy needed to be a part of her life. He was visibly shocked when she presented the sleeping Lian to him. To help him exorcise Speedy's ghost, Cheshire had called in all her chips. She had a lead—one last chance for Red Arrow to find the original Speedy.[10]
Cheshire's tip brought them all to a Tibetan monastery. After fighting themselves past the guards, Lian laughed; this attracted the attention of every guard in the monastery. Red Arrow stated his original feelings about not bringing her; he thought it would be better to have left Lian with Artemis.
But even all the guards were not enough to stop them. They defeated them, but Red Arrow voiced his concerns about the obvious delight Lian took in watching them beat up the guards. Red Arrow blasted open the door the guards were protecting and found a cryogenic pod. They opened it, and Red Arrow caught Speedy as he fell out of the pod.[12]
Red Arrow took Speedy to the Royal Memorial Hospital in Star City and has been watching over him with his mentor Green Arrow.[35]
March 2016

Red Arrow catches the real Roy up on what he's missed in eight years.
Roy and Oliver sat at the real Roy's bedside at Royal Memorial Hospital to explain his capture, and the events of the eight years during which he was in captivity. Roy was also informed that his clone spent years searching for him, he thanks his clone but snapped at his former mentor for giving up the search for him. Red Arrow left shortly after Ollie, who had gone to the chapel to ponder his errors. As Ollie questioned his ability as a mentor, listing all three of his prior sidekicks as examples of his failure, Red Arrow disagreed with Ollie, and told him the real Roy would eventually realize that too. They returned to the hospital room, only to find the original Roy had escaped the hospital by jumping out a window.
Red Arrow and Green Arrow tracked the original Roy to a weapons cache. The computer at first would not recognize Red Arrow's retina scan, as the real Roy was already inside. After Green Arrow overrode it, they entered, but too late. Roy used the Zeta-Tubes to escape, and left a grenade behind, destroying the tubes. Red Arrow checked the computer to learn where Speedy had gone, and the two of them concluded that he had gone to Metropolis to hunt down Lex Luthor.[16]
Red and Green Arrow arrived at the burning LexCorp building to find that Speedy had not killed Luthor, but instead had bargained for a cybernetic arm. He rejected the name Speedy, and took the moniker of Arsenal.[16]
June 2016
When magnetic field disruptors planted by the Reach threatened the Earth, Red Arrow joined 39 other heroes of Earth in a briefing in Metropolis. The heroes would use a computer virus provided by Lex Luthor to safely disable the devices. The heroes were paired off with another into twenty squads: one member would run interference against Beetle-tech Drones guarding the disruptors, allowing the other to get close enough to plant the virus.[36] Red Arrow was assigned to Nu Squad, and worked alongside Arsenal. [37]
Within thirty minutes, all squads had succeeded in their mission.[36]
Red Arrow had largely retired from the superhero life, and began calling himself Will Harper, using his middle name, [38] to differentiate himself from the original Roy Harper. He lived in a house in Star City, with Lian, Artemis and Brucely.[15] Jade had left him again, leaving Lian in his care.[13] He had started his own private security business, Bowhunter Security.[7]
At his house, Will served Lian breakfast as Dick arrived to recruit Artemis for a mission. Will was mildly annoyed that Dick momentarily forgot that he no longer went by Roy.[15]
A his home, Will expressed frustration to Artemis that Dick had left Halo-Girl in their care and disappeared. Later, at his office at Bowhunter Security, he is approached by Dick, Roy and Jim to join them on a mission to take down a meta-human trafficking operation. Will eventually agreed, on the condition that they help him with Bowhunter's latest job first. The quartet took Will's SUV to the jobsite. Will explained to a frustrated Dick that many of his employees had gotten food poisoning, and reminded him that he would wait for nightfall to begin his mission anyway.[7]
At the Goode World Studios warehouse, the group guarded a shipment of Goode Goggles awaiting transport. Will took the opportunity to remind Dick of his responsibility to Halo-Girl, but Dick rebuffs him. Later, Dick, Roy and Jim cleared three drivers with Goode Goggles shipments, but Will recognized one of them who works for Brick, so they set off in pursuit of the trucks in Will's SUV.[7]
As the quartet pursued the trucks, Will had Roy hold off from firing at the trucks for fear of damaging the merchandise. When Brick began harassing their SUV with his car, however, he gave him permission to fire on Brick. Brick's car was driven off the road, but Brick himself had mounted the top of the SUV and began punching through the roof. Will continued to pursue the trucks, allowing first Roy and then Jim to board a truck each, until Brick tore off the SUV roof and removed the steering wheel. Will accelerated toward the third truck until it was close enough for him and Dick to jump aboard, Will taking his clipboard with him. Will mourned the loss of his SUV as it went off the road and into the ocean.[7]
As they made their way across the top of the truck, Dick accidentally called Will "Wall," leading Will to accuse Dick of wanting a Wally West substitute; someone willing to call him out. They were interrupted by Brick, who had also managed to make the jump from the SUV before it crashed. The pair continued their argument as they fought Brick, with Will accusing Dick of abandoning Halo-Girl and the others from Markovia. Though Dick protested that they weren't part of his mission, Will reminded him that the mission is what the mission becomes. Working together, Will and Dick lifted Brick off his feet and threw him off the truck, which then ran him over. They then moved to the truck cabin, each dropping down by one of the doors, prompting a swift surrender by the driver.[7]
With the shipment safely recovered and the would-be thieves being taken into custody, Dick admitted to Will that he was right and promised to do better by the Markovian kids, none to Will's surprise. Jim confessed that he found the gig more exciting than he expected, prompting Will to suggest the beginning of a Harper family business, though Roy was less enthusiastic. With Bowhunter's job complete, the quartet went on to Nightwing's mission, where they captured several meta-human traffickers and freed four teens.[7]
Will and Lian attended a gathering of parents and children associated with the Justice League and the Team. Will chatted with Lynn Stewart-Pierce, who enquired about his living arrangements with Artemis. Will defensively denied any romantic activity between them. Later, when John Smith arrived with his daughter, Will expressed relief at no longer being the only dad present, prompting an immediate reaction from all the mothers present, causing Will to quickly retract his comment.[39]
Will, Artemis, Violet and Lian enjoyed some ice cream in the kitchen of the Harper home. Artemis told Violet she needed to enroll in school and that she will need a name. Will suggested using Harper for her last name and Violet agreed. Will then excused himself to the bathroom, but instead he slipped outside to talk to a lurking Jade. He invited her to come inside, saying Lian needs her mother and he needs his wife, but Jade insisted they are both better off without her. Will disputed this, noting that she came by the house, but Jade said she only came to say goodbye, then she departs.[13]
Will hosted Jefferson Pierce and Helga Jace for coffee at the Harper home, which was full and busy with both Violet and Tara now also living there. Despite the chaos, Helga congratulated Will on making a home full of love, and lamented she could not do more to help everyone.[40]
Will and Lian had dinner at the Harper home. As Artemis was about to leave for a mission briefing, Lian's poor table manners prompted a gross-out contest between her and her father.[41]
Will washed the dishes as Artemis watched him while having ice cream with Lian. Will later called Brion in from the living room to help in the kitchen.[41]
Will and Artemis hosted Thanksgiving dinner at the Harper home for Lian, Violet, Tara, Brion, Artemis's mother and Helga. Throughout the day Will and Artemis were giving each other significant looks, which did not go unnoticed by Paula.[42]
Having arranged for Violet to babysit Lian at the Premiere Building, Will prepared a romantic Valentine's Day dinner for two as a surprise for Artemis. When she arrived, he admitted he had begun to develop feelings for her and asked if she felt the same way. Artemis told him she did, and the two kissed, before Artemis suddenly pulled away and ran off after a quick apology.[43]
Later that evening, Will did the dishes as Violet arrived home with a sleeping Lian. After Violet went to take Lian to bed, Artemis returned. Will began to apologize, but Artemis stopped him, saying that he had helped her to take the next step in moving on from Wally, but that they were not right for each other. Will told her he felt the same way after their kiss, and that it was too weird as she is his sister-in-law. After affirming that they would always be family, Artemis went to bed, leaving a disappointed Will to blow out the last burning candle on the dinner table.[43]
Will and Lian attended a private party at Bibbo's Diner for the year zero members of the Team, their significant others and children.[44]
Will, Artemis and Lian arrive at the Carr home for a bon voyage party for Conner and M'gann. Will noted that Lian was in a mood, refusing to speak, but hoped that her favorite larvae-sitter would cheer her up. He also noted that he was glad to have an excuse to miss out on a boring Bowhunter Security job, having left it to Roy, Jim and a new hire.[45]
Later, Amistad Ervin asked if Will was pregnant, but Will laughed it off, noting that even with the miracle of cloning they could not cure his "dad bod." Will was interrupted by a call from Roy, who reported that the Bowhunter job was hit by a group of meta felons, who abducted the new guy. Will revealed to the rest of the heroes at the party that his new employee was in fact a rehabilitated Clayface, now going by Harlan Matthews. After Kaldur'ahm realized that the kidnappers were Amanda Waller's Task Force X, and that they could not openly act against them due to the agreement he had made with Waller, Will noted that Bowhunter Security has no such agreement with Waller, and offered to take the gathered heroes on as temporary employees to rescue Harlan. Raquel, Kaldur, Artemis, Conner and M'gann accepted.[45]
The Bowhunter squad took the Bio-Ship to intercept the Manta-Flyer, shooting it down a few miles short of Belle Reve Penitentiary on Will's order. The squad met Task Force X as they escaped form the Flyer, and soon engaged them in battle. Will took on Captain Boomerang. Though Boomerang was unimpressed by Will's bow, clipboard and beer belly, Will easily defeated the villain, throwing his clipboard at him as a distraction before knocking him out with an uppercut. After Task Force X was successfully defeated and Harlan freed, the group returned to Happy Harbor for the party. Will was annoyed that Roy and Jim had joined, noting that it left the Wayne Tech goods, the safety of which had been Bowhunter's original mission, unguarded.[45]
At the Harper home, Will served breakfast to Lian, as Artemis drank coffee. Later that evening, Dick and Kaldur arrived with the news that Conner had died on Mars. Will broke the news to Artemis when she arrived home.[46]
At the Harper home, Will once more served breakfast to Lian, as a noticeably depressed Artemis sat at the table.[46]
Will hung up a picture of the Team in the hallway. He noted Artemis's lack of enthusiasm, and she admitted she was struggling in the wake of Conner's death. Artemis went to leave before she started sobbing. Though Will told that sobbing was okay, she did not not want to upset Brucely.[46]
That night, Will was called in after Artemis was approached by both Onyx and Cassandra Savage, each claiming to have defected from the League of Shadows and that the other was really attempting to infiltrate the Team. Will arranged with Green Arrow to use one of his vaults as a lock-up for them, and he and Arsenal transported Onyx there in his SUV, while Tigress and Arrowette took Savage in Artemis's car. They were attacked by Shadows en route. As they engaged the Shadows, Will repeatedly implored Roy to avoid property damage during the fight, and was unimpressed when Roy blew up the noodle truck the Shadows had used to cut them off. Will fought off one Shadow with his favorite clipboard, but another took the clipboard and broke it in two, much to Will's annoyance. Will took out his pen and fought the assassin, stabbing him in the back with the pen, before knocking him out. The Shadows were eventually all defeated, with some help from both Onyx and Savage.[46]
When they reached the Vault, Will geared up as Red Arrow. After Tigress had finished interrogating the two alleged defectors, he joined the assembled members of the Team in discussing their trustworthiness. He disagreed with Spoiler that it was inevitable that the children of villains would turn against their parents' ways, noting Icicle Jr. and Cheshire as examples to the contrary. After Orphan said that neither should be trusted, Will raised the possibility that the Shadows could be employing a Cold War strategy; both had been sent so that no matter which was believed, they would get a mole on the Team. Ultimately Tigress decided that they had to give both the benefit of the doubt.[46]
Star City
April 21, 23:38 EDT
Will was at home when he received a phone call from Artemis, who wanted to bring home another stray. Before Artemis could bring Jade onto the call, Lian interrupted to show Artemis her "mommy mask", prompting Jade to flee, forcing Artemis to end the call to pursue her.[47]
Red Arrow was among those considered as a possible Justice League reservist.[48]
Will was a groomsman at Conner and M'gann's wedding.[49]
Bowhunter Security was assigned to protect Queen Perdita Vladek during her visit to Star City. As his squad waited for her on the airport runway, Will made it clear he took protecting her very personally, and remembered when he failed to save her father. They took Perdita in a three car convoy. Will drove the middle car containing Perdita, and discussed her schedule with her bodyguard.
The first stop was a tour of STAR Labs. After meeting with Serling Roquette, and an undercover Green Arrow and Black Canary, a group of armored attackers broke into the facility. They took down Arrow, Canary, Roquette and Denny with poisoned darts, then flew out with Perdita.[18]
Will watched over Oliver, Dinah, Roquette, and Denny as they lied in comas at Royal Memorial Hospital. Artemis told him she was sure they were dosed with Sportsmaster's coma serum, and Will wondered why Ollie and Dinah were undercover, and why Bowhunter wasn't targeted but the others were.[50]
Powers and abilities
Like his former mentor, Green Arrow, Speedy/Red Arrow is a master with a bow and arrow.
- Above average human conditioning: Red Arrow treats his body like a temple.[10]
- Strength: Red Arrow is very strong due to years of using a bow. He and Nightwing were able to lift and throw the immensely heavy Brick.[7]
- Marksmanship: With an archer's main weapon being the bow and arrow, the aim of the marksman can mean the difference between life and death. Speedy/Red Arrow is a highly skilled marksman, having been trained by the best.[8] He was able to fire a tracer arrow onto the back of Sportsmaster's boat from a distance.[21]
- Hand-to-hand combat: Green Arrow undoubtedly trained Speedy/Red Arrow in the basics of hand-to-hand combat should his bow ever fail him. He displayed impressive skill when he knocked out two League of Shadows's assassins guarding Doctor Roquette.[5] He has also managed to go head-to-head with Cheshire and block some of her attacks, though only for a short time.[9] Even after retiring from hero work, he held his own against Brick.[7]
- Stealth: Speedy/Red Arrow has shown some level of stealth. He snuck on to Infinity Island without any of the guards noticing him.[5]

Red Arrow nocking an arrow
Bow and arrow: Like his mentor, Green Arrow, Red Arrow uses a bow and arrow in combat. Red Arrow has been seen utilizing two different types of bows. As Speedy, he used a recurve bow.[8] After assuming the name Red Arrow, he used a new compound bow[9] as well as a redesigned recurve bow.[19] He seems to use them interchangeably and likely for specific purposes, but seems to favor the recurve bow for general usage. When not in use, he would keep his recurve bow over his shoulder. His compound bow can be easily folded and stored in a briefcase.[9]
Trick arrows: Like his former mentor, Red Arrow utilizes many types of trick arrows. He has been shown using the following:
- Punch arrow: Arrows that can "punch" an opponent.[8]
- Explosive arrow: Arrows that explode on impact.[14]
- Foam arrow: Arrows that can release a high-density polyurethane foam to engulf and incapacitate its targets,[14] [2] or create a softer landing.[9]
- Taser arrow: Arrows that can electrocute and knock-out armored soldiers.[5]
- EMP arrow: Arrows that can overwrite the feeds from security cameras.[5]
- Zip-line arrow: Arrows that carry a zip-line, from which he can slide down.[5]
- Knockout gas arrow: Arrows that contain knockout gas in the projectile point.[10]
Green Arrow
- Main article: Green Arrow

Speedy with Green Arrow.
Green Arrow was Speedy's mentor. Because of his programming, the clone was headstrong and driven,[3] which led to Green Arrow seeing him more as a partner than a sidekick. After being denied membership on July 4,[8] he struck out on his own.[14] [5] He set up the Red Arrow persona because he wanted to be treated as an equal to Green Arrow. [51] In actuality, his decision to "go solo" was a subconscious directive from Speedy's Cadmus programming to make himself worthy of Justice League membership.[3] The relationship was eventually salvaged, and they began to work together again.[19]
After Red Arrow was revealed to be a clone, Green Arrow tried to support him,[3] but eventually gave up his protégé's search for the original Speedy. This did not sit well with Red Arrow, who took off on his own. Green Arrow and the others worried for him, and tried their best to get him back on his old level.[10]
When Roy found the real Speedy and the latter snapped at him, Red Arrow comforted Green Arrow by stating he was a good man.[16]
- Main article: Artemis

Red Arrow, Artemis and Green Arrow.
Artemis replaced Speedy as Green Arrow's protégé. On their first meeting, Red Arrow was not impressed, and immediately knew that Artemis was not Green Arrow's niece, as she and Green Arrow claimed, and later confronted her about this.[5] After Sportsmaster informed him there was a mole on the Team,[9] Artemis was one of his top suspects.[21] He eventually backed down after seeing her in action.[2]
The Team
- Main article: The Team
Due to his Cadmus programming, Roy did not want to join the Team, only the League.[3] He considered the Team only something with which the Justice League kept their protégés in their place.[14] He was closest to Kaldur'ahm,[3] but considered the other friends, too, and was intent on protecting them, particularly from their new teammate Artemis.[5] He has called on the Team on occasion,[5] [9] and after being admitted into the Justice League, joined them until his induction.[23]
- Main article: Red Arrow and Cheshire
Although they started off as enemies, Cheshire seemed to have an oddly flirtatious, interest in Red Arrow following their first confrontations. Cheshire took particular amusement in baiting Red Arrow.[9] She would later flirt with him again, now to drive a wedge between him and her sister, by kissing him and making sure she was watching.[21]
Sometime after 2011, they married, though they have since separated due to Roy's obsession with finding the original Roy Harper. They have a daughter together, Lian. Since finding the original Roy, Red Arrow and Cheshire seem to be sharing custody of Lian.[10]
They remain separated, with Will taking care of Lian with help from Artemis. While Will puts on a façade of having made peace with Cheshire not being part of his life, Will still loves her.[13] He confronted her while she was hiding, he tries to get her to stay but she encourages him to move on, something he reluctantly agrees to.[13]
- Season 1
- 01. "Independence Day"
- 03. "Welcome to Happy Harbor"
- 06. "Infiltrator"
- 10. "Targets"
- 14. "Revelation" (no lines)
- 16. "Failsafe" (illusion, no lines)
- 18. "Secrets"
- 22. "Agendas" (picture)
- 23. "Insecurity"
- 24. "Performance"
- 25. "Usual Suspects"
- 26. "Auld Acquaintance"
- Season 2
- 03. "Alienated" (flashback, no lines)
- 04. "Salvage"
- 06. "Bloodlines"
- 08. "Satisfaction"
- 10. "Before the Dawn" (flashback, no lines)
- 20. "Endgame" (no lines)
- Season 3
- 01. "Princes All"
- 04. "Private Security"
- 09. "Home Fires"
- 10. "Exceptional Human Beings"
- 14. "Influence" (no lines)
- 15. "Leverage"
- 16. "Illusion of Control" (no lines)
- 25. "Overwhelmed"
- 26. "Nevermore" (no lines)
- Season 3.9
- 01. "The Prize"
- Season 4
- 05. "Tale of Two Sisters"
- 08. "I Know Why the Caged Cat Sings"
- 11. "Teg Ydaer!" (flashback, no lines)
- 12. "Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!" (flashback, no lines)
- 14. "Nautical Twilight" (no lines)
- 18. "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!" (picture)
- 20. "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!" (flashback, no lines)
- 22. "Rescue and Search" (flashback, no lines)
- 24. "Zenith and Abyss" (flashback, no lines)
- 26. "Death and Rebirth" (no lines)
- Young Justice: Legacy
- Companion comics
- 05. "What's the Story?" (flashback)
- YJT 01. "Cherry Gig"
- YJT 02. "Ominous Tidings"
See also
- Red Arrow's journals
Background information
- In the comics, Roy has had three codenames: Speedy, Arsenal and Red Arrow. He is one of the founding members of the first teen hero team, the Teen Titans. Originally, he played a guest star role to the Team (although it was never revealed how they first met) before he officially joined the Team in Teen Titans #19 as a replacement for Aqualad (Garth) who quit the Team for a period, but it was revealed in Teen Titans #50 and the mini-series Teen Titans: Year One that he is indeed a founding member.
- In the comics, Roy was in a romantic relationship with assassin Cheshire, which resulted in them having a child together, a baby girl named Lian. Tragically, Lian was killed in the mini-series Justice League: Cry for Justice, but was brought back in the 2015 mini-series Convergence: The Titans.
- Another major influence on his character was his addiction to heroin. Although he recovered from his initial addiction, he temporarily regressed into a full-blown heroin addict following the death of his daughter.
- In Young Justice: Outsiders, Roy now goes by the name Will. In the comics, Roy Harper's middle name is Will.
- Although this is technically the cloned Roy Harper's first and only appearance, this would mark the sixth animated iteration of Speedy. He first appeared in the 1967 The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure's Teen Titans segments, and after that in Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited, Justice League: New Frontier and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
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